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MENI The New dream Coffee

As long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?

Cassandra Clare.

Unraveling the Threads of Fate with MENI Coffee

Welcome to the world of MENI Coffee, where the magic of destiny meets the richness of coffee. Our brand is more than just a coffee label; it’s a celebration of inspiration, hope, and the potential to achieve greatness. Just as Meni, the mythological weaver of fate, shapes destinies, we believe that every cup of MENI Coffee can ignite your dreams and energize your journey.

Meni coffee

Project Description

Let’s brew dreams together.

MENI Coffee emerges as a profound testament to the passion and expertise of its founder, Juan C Botero. A dedicated coffee enthusiast since 2005 and a hobbyist barista since 2010, Juan’s deep love for coffee ignited the spark that would eventually become the MENI Coffee brand. Beside him stands the talented co-founder, Paulina Ferrer, whose artistic vision breathes life into the brand’s aesthetic and philosophy.

Crafting Artistry Through Every Sip

In collaboration with Paulina Ferrer, Juan has meticulously transformed MENI Coffee into an artistic experience. Paulina’s creative prowess is evident in the meticulously designed packaging, the ambiance of MENI Coffee spaces, and the very essence of the blends offered. Every cup becomes a canvas, where the marriage of creativity and taste invites patrons to indulge in a sensory masterpiece.


Start date: 02/15/23
Duration: 1 Years
Difficulty: 4/5

My Role

  • Founder and Visionary.
  • Leadership and Direction
  • Strategic Planning and Client Relations

Philosophy in a Cup: Where Creativity and Taste Converge

MENI Coffee embodies a philosophy where creativity and taste harmonize effortlessly. Paulina’s artistry intertwines seamlessly with the carefully curated coffee blends, creating an experience that tantalizes both the senses and the soul. It’s not merely a beverage; it’s a philosophy in a cup, where every sip becomes a testament to their dedication to the art of brewing.

Joining the Journey: Where Passion Meets Artistry

Juan C Botero and Paulina Ferrer extend a warm invitation to all to join their extraordinary journey, where passion seamlessly intertwines with artistry. MENI Coffee, curated from the heart, welcomes patrons to savor not just the richness of the coffee but also the depth of their creativity. Together, they invite everyone to celebrate the fusion of flavors and aesthetics, making every moment with MENI Coffee a masterpiece.

Come, be a part of this artistic odyssey, and let’s brew dreams together, one cup at a time.


The opportunity lies in creating a brand that not only offers premium coffee but also inspires individuals to pursue their goals and aspirations. MENI Coffee taps into the rich tradition of coffee as a source of creativity and connection, positioning itself as more than just a beverage but as a companion on life’s journey.

Bootstrap Themes

The Challenge

Brewing Success Against All Odds

The challenge is to stand out in a competitive coffee market by not only offering great-tasting coffee but also by connecting with our customers on a deeper level. We aim to inspire and empower individuals through our brand, making them believe that they have the power to shape their destinies.

Bootstrap Themes

The Solution

Resilient Path to Victory

MENI Coffee’s solution is to offer exceptional coffee beans, carefully roasted to perfection. But our true magic lies in the inspiration we provide. Through storytelling, community building, and a commitment to quality, we aim to be more than a coffee brand; we aim to be a source of motivation and encouragement for those pursuing their dreams.

Our Purpose!

Mission: Brewing Dreams, One Sip at a Time

At Meni Coffee, we believe that coffee is more than just a drink – it’s a symbol of hope, inspiration, and creativity. Our mission is to provide our customers with a coffee experience that fuels their dreams and inspires them to pursue their passions. We source the highest quality beans and roast them with care to bring out their unique flavors and aromas. We are committed to transparency, accuracy, and community-building, and we strive to be a positive force in the world.

Vision: Crafting a Destiny-Driven Future

Our vision at Meni Coffee is to create a global community of coffee lovers who share our passion for dreaming big and living with purpose. We envision a world where coffee is not just a commodity, but a catalyst for personal growth, creativity, and connection. We aspire to be a leader in the specialty coffee industry, known for our commitment to quality, innovation, and social responsibility. We aim to inspire and empower our customers to pursue their dreams, make a positive impact in their communities, and live their best lives.

Philosophy: Where Coffee Meets Destiny

At the heart of MENI Coffee lies a profound philosophy: where coffee meets destiny. We believe that just as Meni wove the fate of gods and mortals, we have the power to weave the stories of dreamers. Each cup of MENI Coffee is a testament to the idea that every moment, no matter how small, can be a turning point in the tapestry of your life. Our coffee isn’t just a beverage; it’s a companion in your journey, a partner in your pursuit of greatness. We encourage you to embrace every sip, for in the warmth of our brew, you’ll find the encouragement to chase your dreams, one step at a time.

In every cup, we celebrate not just the art of coffee-making but also the art of crafting your destiny. Join us on this extraordinary odyssey where coffee and destiny entwine, and let’s craft a future where your dreams are not just imagined but realized.

MENI Coffee: where your destiny is as rich as your brew.

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